University of the Free State

Curriculum development for simulation-based education in ophthalmology

posted on 2024-04-16, 06:16 authored by Mathys LabuschagneMathys Labuschagne, Helena Prior Filipe, Isabella du Preez

Simulation-based education (SBE) follows a stepwise approach, starting with basic skills, moving to procedural training and culminating in team training. The stepwise iterative model is dictated by learning outcomes.

The ADDIE model is an iterative instructional design where the results of the formative evaluation of each phase may lead to any of the previous phases. ADDIE is the acronym for analyzing, designing, developing, implementing and evaluating. The process validates the procedures and products related to the development of learner‑centered learning encounters and adds credibility by analyzing and evaluating procedures and interrelatedness. Sufficient evidence that simulation training improves individual and team performance is available. It has a positive effect on self‑confidence, knowledge, and operational performance. Further evidence proves that deliberate practice, procedural simulation, and debriefing can be transferred to operational performance in clinical settings and could result in safer and more efficient care for patients, health‑care providers, and health systems.
